What is the PM Group’s 100% Money Back Guarantee?
Our Self Study Training Course and PMP Exam Simulator are developed by certified Project Management Professionals (PMP)®. All training tools are developed based on the current version of the PMBOK® Guide, real life experience and lessons learned while successfully passing the PMP® Exam. We guarantee you will pass the PMP® Exam using our training courses, materials and PMP exam simulator, however your success is strictly dependent on your commitment to achieving your goals. Quite simply, we believe our PMP certification training program is the best and we stand behind it 100%.
The following are the details of our money back guarantee:
If you fail the PMP® exam in your first (1st) attempt we will ($500 value):
- Analyze Your PMP® Exam Results
- Provide You a Custom Study Plan
- Provide Coaching Through the following:
- Free Access to the PM Group’s Premium Training Package for 90 days
- 2 Free Professional Coaching Sessions
- Email Communications with our PMP® Coaches
Please note: You must re-take the exam within thirty (90) calendar days from the date of the first exam.
If you fail the PMP® exam in your second (2nd) attempt we will:
- Refund 100% of Your Money –
- Test results will need to be provided in order to process the credit to your account
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The following are answers to various questions about The PM Group’s PMP® Training Courses, Exam Simulator, Tools, and Professional Coaching services:
What is the Refund Policy?
If you feel you need a refund for some reason, please send us an email and let us know. Students may request a refund within 24 hours of payment for self-paced software (PM Group Exam Simulator, Self-study courses) provided the student has not used or accessed the content. Approved refunds can take up to 5-7 business days to process and appear on your account.
We record all transactions for possible proof to a credit card company along with all usage logs. Fraudulent chargebacks are illegal and we will send all information requested by your credit card company.
For coaching sessions, students may request a refund within 24 hours of booking or students may submit a request to customer service to reschedule their session up to 48 hours prior to their scheduled session. If request is received within the 48 hour window, the session will be marked as completed on the account. No refund will be granted in accordance with our refund policy.
In comparison to the real exam, how difficult are the questions provided on the PM Group’s Exam Simulator and Online Courses?
- The questions provided are similar to the content and format or the actual PMP exam. We intentionally enhanced the content of the questions so they are slightly more difficult than those one might see on the actual exam. This will aid in your successful preparation. The questions are not purely definitional, but include real world situations from the perspective of the Project Management Institute®. This is done to emulate the questions one might see on the real exam.
If I enrolled in a live class, how long do I have access to materials and The PM Group’s online training portal?
- Students who enroll in the live online class will own the class materials provided to them electronically. Access to the PM Group’s Exam simulator will be valid for 30 days from the day of class completion. All live class students are entitled to a 90-day extension to the PM Group’s Exam Simulator via a 50% discount coupon. To obtain the Exam Simulator extension you will need to contact customer service for the coupon code. After the first extension, students will need to pay the regular retail price to access the simulator.
Does the PM Group’s PMP Mock exams content reflect the latest exam?
- Yes. All PM Group PMP Mock Exams content reflects the latest version of the PMP exam based on the current Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Content is updated continuously to ensure it is accurate.
Do the online practice tests provided by The PM Group have a time limit?
- Yes. In order to provide as realistic a testing experience as possible, you are provided with a live timer for each PMP Mock Exam. A timer will be displayed through the duration of every mock exam to indicate how much time remains.
How can I be certain that the test questions and responses created by The PM Group are accurate?
- Test questions contained within the Online Courses, PMP Exam Simulator, and PMP Flash Cards are created and maintained exclusively for this service by the PM Group’s PMP certified resources. All Mock Exam questions, answers, and explanations reference back to actual pages in the PMBOK® Guide.
Once I have taken the real PMP exam, how can I report my score to The PM Group USA?
- The PM Group USA team encourages its users to report their results from the real PMP exam. We want to know how you are doing! When you pass the exam, we would like to post your victory on our website and express our sincere congratulations on your achievement. Users can report their results by visiting the Contact Us tab. If you prefer to keep your status confidential, then please let us know and we will certainly honor your request.
When taking a practice test through the online courses or Exam Simulator, will I be able to print the questions for review later?
- Yes, upon completion of the Course Mock exams there is an option to print your results.
When taking a practice test through the online courses or Exam Simulator, will I be able to return to questions for review prior to submission for scoring?
- Yes. For the PMP Exam simulator if you are unsure regarding your answer simply skip the question and prior to ending the exam the system will prompt you to complete your answers for the questions skipped. The live timer will continue until you have submitted your test.
- For Mock Exams contained within the Courses – Prior to submitting any practice tests for scoring, you will be able to return to any question, by using the forward and backward arrow keys. The live timer will continue until you have submitted your test.
Do I need to download or acquire any special software in order to user The PM Group’s Courses or Products?
- No. The PM Group’s Online courses and Exam Simulator are designed to work with your web browser, however we highly recommend using Chrome since both courses and Mock Exams contain graphics which do not always successfully display using Microsoft Edge or IE.
Questions Regarding Your Account
What happens if I claim an illegal chargeback?
- Fraudulent chargebacks are illegal and we will send all information requested by your credit card company. We take charge backs seriously and will not tolerate fraudulent charge backs. All payments to The PM Group USA LLC are nonrefundable if a service or product is rendered. All chargebacks will be sent to the account holder’s credit card company with proof of service. Fraudulent charge backs will be charged back to you with a minimum $100 fee. This is the administration charge for handling the charge back.
- For live classes, students may submit a reschedule request to customer service prior to 1 calendar week prior to class start date. If request is received within 1 week prior to live course start date, then the reschedule request will not be honored. No refund will be granted in accordance with refund policy.
When I register for courseware through The PM Group USA, how many users may access my account?
- Each PM Group course or Exam Simulator registration is valid for use by a single student. It is a violation of The PM Group’s license terms to share courseware logins with additional students. Accounts which are found to violate the licensing policy will be cancelled immediately. Severe violations of this account policy will be reported as a violation of PMI’s Code of Ethics.
What features will I have access to when I register with The PM Group USA?
- By registering with The PM Group USA, you will have unlimited access to all features of the system for the full term of your subscription. This includes the Free PMP Prep materials and tools. Access to products purchased will depend on the product’s subscription period.
How can I tell when my account will expire?
- Once you are logged into the online training course, the Main Dashboard will indicate when your course expires. For the Exam Simulator, you will receive a notice when your access is about to expire.
What types of payment methods can I use to register for The PM Group’s Courses or Exam Simulator or PMP Flash Cards, and is it secure?
- Registration is payable using all major credit cards and PayPal. Our payment handling is 100% secure and absolutely no payment information is stored following your registration.
Is any of my personal payment information stored by The PM Group USA?
- Your payment information is used at the time of registration only, and is not stored by our system.
I lost my password and am unable to log in to my account. How can I retrieve my login information?
- The Forgot Password link (located on the My Account login screen) will dispatch login information to the email address you registered with The PM Group USA.