Are You Ready to Pass the PMP® Exam?
The PM Group’s PMP® Exam simulator gives you an inside look at the content and format of the Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam. Your 90-day access to the exam simulator will allow you to practice using over 30 PMP® Mock Exams containing questions based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) Knowledge Areas, Process Groups, ITTOs and required PM formulas (EVM, PERT, CPM, NPV, depreciation, etc.).
Each PMP® Mock Exam provides answers, detailed explanations & references for each question, which will allow you to better understand why your answer was or was not correct. By practicing in a similar test environment, you will be able to increase your confidence, skill level and chances of passing the exam.
What You Can Expect by Using the PM Group’s Exam Simulator
- Practice with Exam Like Questions
- Gain more confidence through repetition
- Maximize your study time
- Balance life responsibilities and exam prep easily
- Learn and prepare in an exam like environment
- Easily determine areas requiring improvement
- Pass the exam the first time because you are prepared

100% Money Back Guarantee
Our PMP® Exam Simulator was developed by certified Project Management Professionals (PMP)®. All training tools are developed and kept up to date based on the current version of the PMBOK® Guide, real life experience and lessons learned while successfully passing the PMP® Exam. Quite simply, we believe our PMP certification training products are the most effective way to pass the PMP® exam and we stand behind them 100%.
PM Group’s PMP Exam Simulator Key Features
Confidently Prepare for The PMP® Exam Using Our Exam Simulator!
Using Our PMP® Exam Simulator Makes The Difference Because it Contains all Exam Question Types:
Situational questions:
These questions will test your ability to apply skills learned in real life project management situations. These types of questions tend to be very lengthy and contain both relevant and irrelevant information. Your challenge will be to identify what is relevant, ignore what isn’t and then determine the correct course of action to take to resolve the issue. Be careful to thoroughly read and accurately identify the actual question being asked. Situational questions can often offer two choices, which are similarly correct, however it will be essential that you identify the BEST choice, or the NEXT choice, or the EXCEPTION, or the ONLY correct answer for the question being asked.
Knowledge based questions:
These types of questions require you to identify the type of situation based on your understanding of the facts provided. Knowledge based questions may refer to a chart or graph to test your level of expertise.
Interpretational questions:
These types of questions test your ability to interpret a situation or condition based on the problem or status being provided. An example of a question would be: “If your project has an SPI greater than 1 and a CPI less than 1, how well is your project performing?”; To answer this question correctly, you will need to know how SPI and CPI values relate to the project’s performance.
Technique-based questions:
These types of questions test your ability to perform a specific project management technique, like creating a network diagram. An example would be to perform a forward pass or backward pass to determine the correct answer to the example provided.
Formula based questions:
These types of questions are designed to test your knowledge of PMP® exam formulas and how to effectively and correctly apply them to the situation being presented.
PMBOK® Guide knowledge and ITTO based questions:
The PMBOK® Guide describes 49 processes. Each process has Inputs, Tools & Techniques and Outputs (ITTO). The PM Group’s Exam Simulator will test your knowledge of these ITTOs. These types of questions are included in both the Mock Exams and in the ITTO specific mock exams.